Remembering Naomi: Radiating Through the Unseen

Ribi Kenneth

Life is a journey filled with straight paths and twists, highs and lows, joys, and sorrows. Yet, amidst the beauty and chaos of it all, there are moments that shake us to our core, leaving us grappling with questions that seem to have no answers. Such was the tragedy that took the precious life of our dear, innocent 5-year-old Naomi Jobin Babu in a devastating car accident on a Friday morning in Dubai. We had watched her grow and brighten the world around her. It seems unfair!

In times like these, it’s natural to seek answers, to try to make sense of the senseless. We yearn for the comforting hand of God that we trust holds us close, and when our agony remains unattended, we may find ourselves questioning the very foundations of our faith.

The words that I employ are only fit to pour out my heart and express my thoughts, and I fear they are futile. It is my dear friend, brother, and family who must confront the harsh reality of losing their child and come to terms with the tragedy. In times like these, words seem insufficient to express the depth of sorrow and anguish we all feel.

But what if there are no answers to be found? What if, perhaps, it is in these very moments of staring into the unseen that we come to a deeper understanding of what it truly means to believe?

If we find ourselves unable to see, it is because we are cradled by an invincible hand. If we remain without answers, perhaps it is because the teacher chooses silence during a test. And if we struggle to witness what lies ahead, it is because the faith we uphold exists beyond the realm of sight.

The answers to our questions reside within the unseen. It is the divine unseen hands that intricately formed our being, and it is those same invisible hands that hold us through our existence. These hands, which we cannot comprehend or see, cradle us even in our most excruciating moments of pain. So, faith, after all, may not be about having all the answers neatly packaged and tied up with a bow, but rather about waiting for the unseen to be revealed. Until our physical forms fade away and we transition into the unseen realm, it is there that we find the clarity and comprehension we’ve been seeking for the unanswered questions. Love never fails.

Yes, it is undoubtedly challenging, but our faith remains strong with unwavering resolve as we see the unseen and navigate the overwhelming grief of losing our beloved child. Our hope rests on the unseen and we cling to the belief that even amidst life’s deepest sorrows, God’s presence is constant, His work ongoing, and His love enfolding us in a comforting embrace.

Yes, it is truly gruelling, but our faith grows stronger as we lean on one another for support, drawing strength from our shared beliefs and shared humanity. Let us grasp onto hope tightly, trusting that even in the darkest of nights, the dawn will eventually break, and light will once again illuminate our path. Ultimately, it is our faith that serves as our anchor, guiding us through life’s storms and leading us to our eternal home.

Habakkuk 3:17-19 NKJV
Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls— Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills.



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