Browsing Category
Youth Corner: Dimensions of Faith – Shifting our focus from our faith to HIS…
We, Christians hold on to Hebrews 11:1 for the definition of faith. The Greek word for faith is pistis and its root…
Article: Role of Teachers | Winnie Jijo
“If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel that there are three…
Article: Dad – The Mystic Hero | Prakash Mathew, India
“And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me”, says the Lord Almighty (2 Corinthians.…
Article: Disciplined to Discipline | Dr. Leslie Varghese, USA
Proverbs 3:11-12 says “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord…
Article: Be A Father! | Sam Skaria, USA
On the occasion of Father’s Day, it is important to acknowledge the significance of fathers and their role in…
Article: Husband and Dad | Jiji Kuruvilla, Canada
During Jesus' ministry on Earth, various individuals generously gave Him many things. The inn manager offered his…
Creative Writing: Dear Jesus, Why? | Angeline Bijoy
Dear Jesus Christ,
I am writing to you about the world I live in today. It is not what you wanted it to be but the…
Article: The Fatherhood Of God | Dr. Julie Thomas, USA
God's triune nature is central to the Christian faith as well as the epicentre of vehement disputes and debates…
Article: Find out what pleases the Lord | Jacob Varghese
How many of us try to please others? Do you ever try to? Most of us like to please others, right? May be our…
Article: The Stone Was Rolled Away, Not To Let Jesus Out, But Rather To Let Us In!…
One of the foundational beliefs of Christianity is Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. As Christians, we rejoice…
Article: Can We Close the Gap? | Sarah Joshua, Australia
Greetings to all dear Igniters readers in Jesus’ name!
We observed International Women's Day last month, with the…
Article: CAN WE TRULY BE HONEST? | Jacob Varghese
CAN WE TRULY BE HONEST? A business friend of mine once asked me, “Do you think it’s possible to be totally honest…
Article: Today you will be with Him in paradise | Jacob Varghese
Let us meditate on the second word of Jesus Christ said on the cross. Luke chapter 23:43- Jesus replied, I assure…
Article: Is Music and Sounds Programming You? | Benoy J. Thomas, UAE
I remember when I was a kid, walking up to my father, who was journaling some work-related statistics in his…
Article: UNALTERED HOPE | Gladys Biju George
The term 'hope' has much power and its significance depends on the way we accept or intepret it. In each and every…