Successful completion of 51st General Convention of IPC Northern Region

New Delhi: The 51st General Convention of The Indian Pentecostal Church of God was successfully completed. The convention was organized virtually, due to the pandemic situation. The convention began on Thursday, October 15. It was inaugurated by Pastor Samuel John, IPC Northern Region, General President. The inaugural message was based on Exodus 14:15. In his inaugural message, he reminded that, “God’s people should not go backwards in this time of crisis, but go forward with new strength. This pandemic is very special to the God’s people. It is an opportunity for the churches to reveal the divine works that have not yet been done.”

Bible classes were held during the day and evangelistic meetings were held in the evening from Thursday the 15th to Saturday the 17th. Anointed men of God, Pastor Shibu Thomas, Pastor Wilson Varkey and Pastor Paul Mathews preached the Word of God.

More than 3,000 people, including God’s servants and believers from all over the world, attended the combined worship service on Sunday, October 18, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pastor Shibu Thomas gave the keynote address based on the verses from Acts 9:31. From this chapter he explained the characteristics of the people who will enable the churches to multiply.

IPCNR Working President Pastor P M John was honoured with a momento for completion of 50 years in Christian ministry. President Pastor Samuel John led in a prayed for him.

The singing of Zion Singers, led by Sister Persis John, was a great inspiration to all the participants. Many people attended these meetings live and received blessings through social media such as YouTube and Facebook.

The IPCNR leadership expressed their thanksgiving to God and for all the people who labored behind it, especially the prayer team led by Pr. P. C. Shaji and IPCNR media team with Adoni. Their labor of love was greatly commendable. All glory and honour to God who made it a blessing to many.



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