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Article: Identity in Christ | Sneha Thomas
Our identity is something that is very important to us, essentially, it’s what makes us ‘us’. Those identities that…
Article: BE OF GOOD COURAGE! | Jacob Varghese
This world is becoming more and more unstable and dangerous place to live. Of course, the storms of this life are…
Article: PRAY FOR CHINA | Sheeba Robinson, Nagpur
Dear People of God, greetings in Jesus Christ's name.
As I was praying this morning (4th July, 2020), God spoke to…
Article: Taking Refuge in God! | Jacob Varghese
This world is becoming more and more unstable and dangerous place to live. Of course, the storms of this life are…
Article: TRUST GOD, NOT MAN! | Jacob Varghese
“I don’t know why, but I can’t trust people,” one person told me in a private conversation. He told me “Every time…
Article: Carry each other’s burdens through Love that is the law of Christ! |…
I want to use Galatians 6:1-10 as the springboard of my thoughts and in particular verse 2 which says “Carry each…
Article: Your Choices Determine Your Destiny | Stephen Lal Abraham, Banglore
“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and…
Article: The Purpose and Power of the Gospel | Pr. Lalachan Abraham ( Patna )
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew…
Article: The peace of God | Sheeba Robinson, Nagpur
Philippians 4: 7
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds…
Article: Seek the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness! | Jacob Varghese
Matthew 6:33&34. Here we see “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be…
Article: God Understands And Feels Our Pain | Jacob Varghese
God has a purpose for pain and suffering in our lives. We all go through pain and suffering in life but remember…
Article : A Precious Stone are you, don’t give up in life |Sheeba Robinson ,…
Greetings and peace to you, I’m pretty sure that you are aware and ready for the battle, which is happening or…
Article: FATHER HEART OF GOD | Jacob Varghese
The world celebrates Father’s day. As Father’s Day approaches, I am reminded of the special relationship that…
Article: Praise to God for a Living Hope! | Jacob Varghese
Let’s open the word of God and look at 1 Peter chapter 1 verses 3 to 5. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord…
Article: GOD’S CHOSEN VESSEL | Andrew Phil Joseph
In real life, there are many kinds of vessels in a house. Examples, flower vessels and cooking vessels. A flower…