Change is inevitable. However, understanding the change is key to managing the chaos that often comes with such changes. With nearly every type of change in life, we see that stress, challenges, and frustration become part of the equation. Each day we find ourselves surrounded by social, scientific, and spiritual changes. Every generation is influenced by major events such as wars, natural calamities, pandemics, government legislation, social movements, and scientific innovations. Some of the major events that have occurred in the past 50 years include the discovery of medicine which alleviates human suffering, and the use of recreational drugs leading to an increase in substance abuse that negatively affected the lives of millions of young adults (1960s). We’ve witnessed the sexual liberation movement which has normalized pre-marital sex, porn, cohabitation, and the legalization of abortion (1970s). In the past 50 years, we’ve seen the breakdown of families with increased marital conflicts, separation and divorce, leading to no-fault divorce laws allowing one spouse to dissolve a marriage for any reason or for no reason at all, giving legitimacy to the dissolution of so many marriages (1980s). We’ve also seen an increase in rates of mental illness including anxiety, major depression and suicide among adolescents and young adults (1990s).

At the turn of the 21st century, we’ve witnessed the widespread use of the computer and internet. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, chat forums, and porn sites have become easily accessible to all (2000). We noticed a major cultural and legislative shift in LGBTQ+ rights, redefining the traditional marriage (2010). At the church level, there is an increasing leadership crisis brought on by a lack of vision, moral and financial scandals, and false theological doctrines. All of these social and political changes have had a significant effect on faith, family and marriage. In the past six decades, church attendance in the United States has declined from 75% to 52%.

There are different ways to cope with global, national, church, familial or personal conflicts. As Christians, we should never lose our hope, never be foolish, and never forget that we have a crucial role to play during these difficult and changing times. Our method of coping needs to be built on the truth, on a spiritual foundation rather than a cultural or political one. Understanding ourselves is critical to managing these conflicts more effectively. As I talk to young adults, couples, and parents, many of them share that they are not able to meet the demands of their lives, and many of them are unhappy. In these situations, the role of leading a balanced life is essential. In my 25 years of research, teaching and counselling, I noticed something very unique: people’s emotions often overpower their faith during a crisis.

Despite of the political and social changes happening in the United States and around the world, Christians and churches should offer hope to a confused and suffering generation, just as Jesus did when He came to save the lost. The question is whether churches are equipped to help a generation. The church needs to restructure its current setup of large facilities and formal gatherings to meet a technologically influenced society that prefers a digital platform over a physical podium. We must reconnect those who’ve lost their faith back into the church, and encourage young people to stay engaged and supported, especially in times of uncertainty and rapid change.


Most Indians have been raised to hide their stress or mental health struggles. We must address the stigma towards mental health and help those in need of pastoral care and mental health counselling. Churches must provide a biblical framework for mental health, sexuality, gender, pre-marital counselling, conflict resolution in marriage, parenting, and addiction.


We as Christians are not called to panic or run away from the ever-changing world we live in, but to rescue—we must lead in the battle, not leave the battle. God uses difficult times to shape and strengthen us because impossible circumstances are where God’s glory shines the brightest. Pray for direction by putting yourselves in the hands of God, because God cares for you. Do not let fear have the final word, but speak out the word of faith that God is our refuge and our strength in times of trouble. Use your time, talents and treasures to help one another during these challenging times. Change can be challenging. However, we believe that through it all, God has a constant, unshakable, and eternal plan in our lives. This gives us hope and purpose.



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