POEM: My Saviour’s Love | Steffy James, UK
The love that captured my heart and set me free
How precious Lord is your love
that the skies you would rend down
you would descend putting on the fleshly form
your broken relationship with man to mend
Your precious blood you shed
on that wooden cross
For my sins you bled
As you couldn’t bear my loss
Enduring each cruel lash ripping your skin apart
All of humanity abashed sans any kindness shown
inflicted upon by your masterpiece the very work of hands your own
with nothing but sheer silence
Mercilessly tortured and spat upon
Oh! that beautiful face of God
marred by the brutal thorns
with which the sinful man your head adorned
I was the guilty not you, my King
yet you chose to bear my sin
And there you hung wounded and cursed
for my sake on that wooden cross
The ghastly spectacle that unfurled
Upon the cross of Calvary made the earth tremble
at the heart wrenching sight of her Maker crucified
Should have been me Lord but you bore it all
in my stead to redeem this sin
turned foe from the grip of hell and death
Your insufferable pain tore open wide
the veil to mankind’s Salvation from eternal damnation
free of cost,all dues paid at the cross
How unfathomable your love for the sinful man
that you would so suffer to grant a life eternal in the heaven above
Rose again defeating death
a final blow on Satan’s head
granted me a new life’s breath
freeing me from guilt and shame
so,in Christ I may forge ahead
When life’s final chapter furls My eyes
surely shall behold the precious One
for me who died His pierced hands would hold
and gather me to His wounded side
This hope is not mine alone
but all the redeemed of the Lord
both alive and those gone
And can be yours too
by giving your hearts unto the Saviour
and let the Crucified be forever, on your side
Steffy James