Poem:UPON THE CALVARY | Achsah Koshy
Upon Calvary, upon Calvary
Don’t you see a man who was betrayed by a close one
With crown of thorns on His head
Everyone mocked, scorned, tortured Him
Innocent one suffered an indescribable end
Divided up His clothes by casting lots
When He was accused by everyone
He made no reply even to a single charge
Here I see what true gentleness is
Crucified between two criminals
Insults hurled at Him by His own creation
Yet He did not reciprocate
Instead His heart cried out saying
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do”
Why did He bear such a great pain for us?
Jesus’ great love for us is manifested
Through His gentleness on Calvary
When you are about to lose your temper
Just look at the cross
He was maltreated and afflicted
Yet He was completely silent
He was led like a lamb to the slaughter
And as a sheep before His shearers is silent
He did not open his mouth.
Gentleness makes you to be less self-centered
Partakers of Christ’s suffering at the cross
Be gentle to one another whether it’s to the rich or poor
Gentleness brings great satisfaction
A trait that makes us unique
A Fruit of the Spirit which calms our soul
Comforts our neighbors too
Necessary for Christ’s followers
Essential for one to inherit eternity