Open Your Eyes !
When the sun is shining for you,
You are shunned away from light
With your scorching soul inside
Searching for the light in darkness.
When the wind blowing the fragrance
From the flowers of mountains,
Your nostrils are stuffed
With the rotten-eggs of rage.
When the clouds wandering in the trackless sky,
And sending his envoy-rainbow,
You are unaware of the rain coming-
To glorify the barren land of your mind.
Your eyes are red in the sea of pride
And the prowess of your palms-
Are plumped with dump of sin.
Oh, you’re falling into the abysm of sin.
Open your eyes,
Sow the seed of love in your mind,
And ripen the good fruits of soul:
The good fruits of Love and Peace
The good fruits of Joy and Longsuffering
The good fruits of Gentleness and Goodness
The good fruits of Faith
The good fruits of Meekness and Temperance.
Open your eyes,
There comes a day in life
That shall be the last day of your life
Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace;
The unpredictable day will set you ablaze.
The good fruits of your heart’s barn
Will be counted on that day by the hands of God.
You must have atleast nine Good fruits
Of soul in your hands in that day,
Unless you shall eat the evil fruits of the nadir
Where no one will accompany you,
None will be on your side to save you or serve you
No one will hear your lamentation there.
Open Your Eyes,
Collect the Good Fruits of Soul !

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