Article: THE LORD WHO RESTORES | Bijoy Cheriyan

Genesis 28:15
And truly, I will be with you, and will keep you wherever you go, guiding you back again to this land; and
I will not give you up till I have done what I have said to you.
It is a well preached verse. It is a well preached verse. It is a well preached verse. Genesis chapters 27
to 30 talks about a well-known person. It is about JACOB.
We have more than often read the passage and even talked about it. Today let me share a couple of my
thoughts with you.
So Jacob started on this journey which is rather called as ‘running away’. He ran away from his home for
fear of death by his elder brother. He had cheated his brother and grabbed all his blessings. His long travel
along with the fear and guilt of what he had done made his exhausted. And he went to sleep.
I think, maybe Jacob prayed like this: “Lord, forgive my sins”. Maybe he felt guilty and repented. The talks
about God which he has heard from his childhood might have encouraged him to pray.
You know what we learn in Sunday school is not to become first in class but rather it plants the seed deep
Proverbs 22:6
If a child is trained up in the right way, even when he is old he will not be turned away from it.
Maybe you don’t know how to preach nor to reach a soul in the right time. But as long as you have His
word in you, it will be fruitful at some point which you least expect it.
Let me come back to story of Jacob.
Jacob went to sleep and he saw a dream.

The very same person who went to sleep loaded with fear and weariness wakes up refreshed. Our God doesn’t leave us halfway in the wilderness. He stands besides us in times of trial and holds your
hand. This is what verse 15 of Genesis 28 says.
Let us proceed to the years of Jacob.
He stays with Laban for 14 years, marries 2 of his daughters.
This is when Jacob had a call to return. He gathers up his wives and sons and starts a journey with all his
wealth and livestock. He had 2 major fears in his mind: · Will Laban follow him? · Will Esau accept him?
Laban does come after him but as God has warned him about saying anything good or bad to Jacob, Laban
leaves Jacob after bidding goodbye to his daughters and grandchildren.
As we continue on to chapter 32, we can see a fight between Jacob and the angel of God. We see a
repentance here. After the repentance, his name was changed from Jacob to Israel.
Dear children of God, if you repent truly today, He can transform you, even your name will be changed.
In chapter 33, we see the brothers hugging and crying repenting of what they have done.
We are not just liable to make things right with God but also to our brothers and sisters to whom you have
If we have that mentality to make things right with men and God, he will make you return to the homeland
as Israel with all the blessings of a lifetime.
Can we have this prayer today: ‘Lord I am a Jacob today. I’ve done mistakes but am repenting of it right
now. I want to be right with You.’ If you are willing to do that, He can raise you. He will prosper you and
he will give you a new name. He can make you a brand new person.
Let me conclude with this prayer. May His grace be upon us. Amen

Bijoy Cheriyan



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