Article: Let us work together for God | Jacob Varghese
A few days before during my personal devotion time, I happened to read Nehemiah chapter 3. At my first reading, it appeared to be a boring account to me of who did what in the reconstruction of the wall of Jerusalem. However, a closer look at this chapter highlights how people worked together. In ancient times, a city with broken walls revealed defeated people, exposed to danger and shame. That is why the Jews rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem. Nehemiah 3 can well describe that expression of working side by side. In fact that is how the chapter is laid out to say who did the rebuilding and which family built which part. In the midst of all that boring details it took my attention that they did it by working together.
It was interesting for me to notice the variety of people worked together. Priests were working alongside rulers. Perfume-makers were helping as well as goldsmiths. Priests, high priests, gold smiths, perfumer, daughters, merchants, government officials and even gate keepers all were part of the reconstruction. I believe they needed each other because they couldn’t have done it alone. Also there were some who lived in nearby towns came to give a helping hand. Some others made repairs opposite their own houses.
There are some good things that can happen when we work together as a team. Ecclesiastes 4:9 says “two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.” That means we can get more work done too. We can put to use more and different skills and abilities. God has given us gifts for building up each other. Also there is fun when we work together, we can make more and new friends, learn new things, reduce the burdens, work goes faster and also we can praise God together. But at the same time it helps us to realize that each person’s work is so important. Sometimes the work we do might feel so insignificant but there is an enormous purpose in it and has an eternal significance. We also need to encourage and cheer for everyone in the team as each person is important and recognition is due for the work; otherwise discouragement is a reality that would follow when we work together.
Though all things work together for good in God’s great plan, every part of the body of Christ is important. There should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. In my observation two things stand out from this chapter. First, they all worked together for a common goal. Second, all of them are commended for being part of the work, not for how much or how little they did compared to others.
In the present day context we see damaged families and a broken society around us. Jesus came to build the kingdom of God through the transformation of lives. We can help to rebuild our neighborhoods by showing others they can find hope and new life in Jesus. All of us have something to do. So let us work together and do our part-whether big or small to create a world where people can find Jesus and to be part of the kingdom of God.