ARTICLE: Spring is Coming! | Jesslyn Joy

There are many changes around us now. Firstly, spring is upon us. A change in the weather, animals and birds being active and young jumping around, buds forming into leaves and flowers blooming. Winter is turning to summer. A lot of changes are taking place.

Secondly, there was a lot of change for the whole world due to the pandemic. Shops and schools shut down, people have lost their jobs, hospitals are working tirelessly and are in full capacity, no traveling, churches closed.

With all these changes with the weather and pandemic, have our passion toward our Lord changed? Are we active participants in our church? Do we take time from our schedule at home to sit in His presence for a few hours? If not, it is time for a change…

Change can be daunting for some, as most of us humans like to stay in our pattern of life. However, God loves each of us and would love to see us change for the better. The Word of God is the best place to turn for encouragement. 2 Peter 2:9 says “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

Changes take time and there is a chance for turning back from the decisions that we have made. God knows this, He knows we are weak and are likely to fall back. As the Bible says, “our Lord is patient and wouldn’t want us to perish”, He wants us to stay with Him forever and be His children.

What can we do to change? We often hear encouraging words from pastors, elders in church Sunday school teachers and even our parents to read our Bibles more, to sit in His presence often, to take time during our day for worship, and to have a one-to-one time with God. But what does it really mean to change?

We can look at some examples from the Bible for inspiration. In Matthew 18:3,4 ‘And he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”’ Why did Jesus want us to become like little children? God seeks us to have a child-like heart, submissive and humble and have faith like a child. Children trust whatever their parents or elders advise and are submissive. To change, trust in God completely, obey His advice, follow it blindly and not think of the consequences or risks. To put it in simple words, humble ourselves.



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