Worship is a workshop, where the Creator and His creation happen to be under the same roof. The moment when you are the closest to your creator, when every minute detail about the creation is checked and required healing is done.
The damaged one never returns without a reworking, God assures him/her to be reshaped into a brand new creation (Zechariah 3:2-5 The Lord rebuked Satan… I have taken away your sin and I will put a clean turban and new garments on you).
No matter the kind of problem the creation must have encountered, be it a tiny scratch, a breakdown or damaged in the worst way, it is handled, always.
For a greater restoration-internally and externally, a deeper faith and submission is required. To be available in every way possible – physically, emotionally and mentally, is an important factor for the complete restoration.
The best transformations reflect the image of the Christ Himself and His glory (Ephesians 4:13 the stature of the fullness of Christ). And remember you won’t ever find this workshop closed, He looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if any who seek God (Psalms 14:2).
So let’s make worship a lifestyle which no longer depends on how good our circumstances are but on how good God was and is and will be for us. Let us reach out to the God our redeemer who is able to keep us from stumbling and to present us before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy.