Article:Ways to Discipline Children | Duglas Joseph

For most of the parents discipline means punishing, scolding or shouting at children for bad behavior or deeds. In fact, discipline is helping your child learn how to behave – as well as how not to behave. Discipline also means to train children to express their emotions in a proper way.
Children tend to misbehave because of many reasons. You may want to know what those causes are and try to find out solutions for the real problems. Careful planning and useful techniques will help you teach discipline to your children.
Set Behavioural Expectation: Child must know what behaviour is appropriate, whether it’s at home, a friend’s house, a public place or school.
Don’t scream or yell: First of all, make sure that you are staying calm and quiet. Never ever, start yelling or screaming at your children.
Don’t jump into conclusion. Always listen to the children. Never ever, resort to unnecessary criticism.
Avoid public humiliation. Don’t humiliate children in public. Such treatment from teachers or parents may lead certain sensitive children to go for extreme.
Avoid physical punishment. Spanking can never be effective weapons for disciplining your children. It will make your children more angry and violent.
Speak normally: When asked what adults should do instead of scolding, most children say: “Just say it in a normal way.” Therefore, instead of grabbing your child by the arm, force the child to look into your eyes, and speak angry words, ask the child in a non-threatening way to explain what happened.
Listen and act: Ask your children the exact reasons for the misbehaviour. Let your children explain the reasons for their misbehaviour. Lend your ears to know their problems. Remember, children will never think and act like you.
Be democratic: A teacher or a parent must be democratic in approach and attitude. If you are approachable, the young ones will open their minds and ready to communicate with you.
Express your love: Develop a warm and loving relationship with your child.
Be diplomatic: When dealing with young children, be diplomatic in our approach. According to situation be flexible to deal in different ways to sort out disciplinary issues.
Be a role model: Teachers and parents are the role model for children, therefore always display good behaviour and show the children why good behaviour is beneficial and productive.
Firm but fair. It’s important to be consistent when it comes to discipline. If parents don’t stick to the rules and consequences they set up, their kids may not serious about the rules of proper behavior.
In short, children tend to misbehave because of many reasons. You may want to know what those causes are and try to find out solutions for the real problems. Careful planning and techniques will help you teach discipline to your children.



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