Poem:His Joy- My Strength | Vinisha Vinoy

Layin’ on the bed that night
Uncontrollable tears rolling down her face
Bearing the mind numbing pain
Her eyes were swollen enduring the heart ache

To the world she was an epitome of liveliness
Her pillow knew better soaked with tears
Insults and abuses were her day and night
Combo of pain and tears were part of her surviving skills

Failing to find a reason to live
She sat down with a blade in her hand
And on that night , even in the absolute darkness
There was one strong ray of light
Comforting , caressing and strengthening that fragile body of hers
Lifted her , wiped the tears
The moon bore witness to a Daddy-Daughter talk

He kissed her on the cheek and said –
“Sleep my baby, You’ve got many more miles to cover ! This is the same world that praised me one day and hanged me on another.
Sweetheart , You’re loved , cherished and adored by heaven.
Remember darling , You’re the King’s daughter.
Daddy Loves You ! ”

Finding the will to live
Saw the beautiful and majestic creation she was
Held her head high , put her foot down
Strengthened to the core
She was back with a bang !



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