In spirit, the Master was troubled,
“One of you will betray me” testified
The disciples at one another looked,
About whom he spoke perplexed.
On Master’s bosom leaned
One whom Jesus loved.
On the holy mountain transfigured,
His majesty was eyewitnessed,
A bright cloud overshadowed,
The Excellent Glory uttered
“This is My beloved son, in whom I am well pleased”
Jairus daughter brought to life from dead,
The power of resurrection was witnessed.
His presence was experienced,
Though an hour at Gethsemane ached.
Faithful Witness, first begotten of the dead
Was revealed to him who on the bosom leaned!
To the voice like trumpet when turned,
Saw the Son of Man, with garment clothed,
With a golden band about the chest girded,
Feet like fine brass as if in furnace refined,
Seven stars the right hand held,
Went from mouth a sword sharp two-edged.
The Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the End,
The One who is, who was and who is to come,
Spoke to the one whom He loved
The things that must shortly take place
To the one who on the bosom leaned.
– Gladys Biju George