Poem: God’s Love | Abigail Deena George

He was with me when I was alone,
And gave me all when I had none.
Held my hand through trouble,
And loved me like no one did.

Oh, his love for me is greater than any mountain,
His mercy will never stop flowing.
His kindness will never end.
Oh, how deep is your love for me my Lord.

He taught me what is right and wrong.
He showed me the way to heaven.
He exchanged his life for my sin,
Oh, how deep is your love for me my Lord.

He spoke of the afterlife,
Spewing words of eternal damnation.
The trials of earth trivial,
Compared to the day of revelation.

He was eventually punished,
They moved him to a new town.
Gave him Joseph’s tomb,
Hence he forgave us all.

He restored and mended us all,
and all that he asks us to do is,
to believe, repent, share, and obey.
Oh, how deep is your love for us my Lord.

Abigail Deena George
Abu Dhabi



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