Article: Jesus our Master (Part 2) | Simjan Cheeran, USA –
[No Turning Back - A Series on True Discipleship]
Part 2 – Stages of Discipleship
“And Jesus said to him, “Go; your faith has made you well.” Immediately he regained his sight and began following Him on the road” – Mark 10:52
Normally when people go for long road trips, from the beginning till they reach the destination, their kids will often ask ‘Are we there yet?’. As parents, repeatedly they will have to make them realize that it’s a long journey, and there is no other option except to be patient. And by the end of the trip the children must have realized that each stage of the journey was progressive and was equally important and unavoidable.
Discipleship is a journey of heart, not that of feet. Yes, it’s a journey of transformation not of conformation – a progressive journey and not a decremental one. In this journey we are expected to follow Jesus’ footsteps on a daily basis. Let me bring out a few steps by which the journey of discipleship becomes meaningful.
● The Believing stage
The first step of discipleship is always an acknowledgement of who the Lord and Savior is. Unless we start with the revelation of Christ as our only source of salvation, the discipleship process has not begun.
● The Knowing stage
As we mature in this journey, we will start developing intimate relationships with Him by knowing Him more and more. Our beliefs, character traits, daily rituals, behaviors, experiences, and expectations change in ways that others begin to notice.
● The Abiding stage
Jesus gives us an incredible metaphor of a vine and branches to represent our relationship with Him. It’s very important to remain connected to a healthy vine, the source of spiritual health and life to be a fruitful disciple. Spiritual growth in this stage is deeply motivated by our love for Christ.
Take a moment to examine;
● Are you a true believer? (means to lay a solid foundation)
● Do we know Him enough? (means to build steadily)
● Are we consistent in this relationship? (means to remain unmovable)
You might have heard this famous hymn where the commitment of a true disciple is beautifully portrayed…
“I have decided to follow Jesus
I have decided to follow Jesus
I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back, no turning back”
Passage for further meditation: John 15:1-17
Verse to memorize: John 15:5
Prayer: Lord, help me stay course in this journey of discipleship without turning back. Thank you, Lord, for the good work you have begun in me. Keep directing me till I reach the final destination. Amen.
[To Read Part 1 go to > ]