Article: Jesus our Master | Simjan Cheeran, USA

“Follow Me,” He told him, and Matthew got up and followed Him. — Matthew 9:9


Recently I had to deal with a situation where I needed to cancel my son’s music classes due to the covid situation. But the moment my son learnt about it, the fear of losing his teacher made him very sad. In that institute, his teacher was a sought after individual under whom students wait to be trained. Similarly, we have seen people being proud of their teachers or masters, especially in the field of music, sports, and education.

The term ‘disciple’ means a convinced follower of an individual. The nobleness of discipleship depends on the fact of ‘whose disciple you are’. But when it comes to Christian discipleship, Jesus himself is our Master. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and the Creator of this universe and each one of us. Unlike other gurus, Jesus has been the highest pattern of virtue in terms of his moral character and social justice. He approached mankind with dignity and inherent value that had never been dreamed of before. He also had a supernatural birth, performed supernatural miracles, had a supernatural resurrection, and taught supernatural truth. It’s no surprise that Mahatma Gandhi quotes ‘Jesus was one of the great teachers of mankind’.

Aren’t we privileged because we have this unparalleled divine personality as our master?
Consider the verse in Psalms 33:12 – “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.” In the Old Testament the nation Israel was proud that God is their Lord and their inheritance. We, the New Testament Israel, should consider ourselves as blessed because Jesus is our Master. Hence, Christian discipleship is not following a philosophy or an idea, but it’s following our master, Jesus. It means personal and passionate devotion to a Person, our Lord Jesus Christ. Realization of this great truth that He is our master, will humble us to lead a life of a devoted disciple and to keep these practical aspects in our mind…
● We should be grateful to Him that he is our master- ‘a grateful heart’
● We should accept his Lordship as a disciple – ‘ a surrendered life’
● We should lead a life worthy of our master – ‘ an exemplary life’
● We should follow him blindly in all of our days- ‘a devoted life’
● We should not be worried about our future – ‘a joyful attitude’

Passage for further meditation: Ephesians 5:1-20

Verse to memorize: Ephesians 5:1-2

[To Read Part 2 go to > ]



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