Article: Developing Godly Character! | Jacob Varghese

person’s character is the sum of his or her disposition, thoughts, intentions, desires and actions. It is good to remember that character is measured by the way we honor God, diligently seek God and beware of worldly influence. As Christians, we need to have Godly Character. Then it is very important to understand what Godly character is? It is the ability to discern God’s right way from the wrong and to surrender our own will to do what is right in God’s sight. If we do that, then we have God’s promised supernatural help for us to resist the wrong even under pressure and temptation from this world.

When we go through the Bible, we understand, we can develop character by controlling our thoughts, practicing Christian virtues, guarding our hearts and keeping good company. Men and women of character will set a good example for others to follow, and their godly reputation will be evident to all.  There are so many scriptures that relate to developing Godly character in our life. Amos 5:14 &15 say “seek good and not evil, so the Lord God Almighty will be with you”. “Hate evil, love good and establish justice that the Lord God Almighty will be gracious.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 says “Do not be misled- bad company corrupts your good character.” Romans5:3&4 say, “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance character and character, hope.” From this we understand persevering builds character.

The highest standard of character is set forth in scripture and exemplified in Jesus Christ. So a godly man is expected to have those characteristics set forth in the scripture. First one is to stand strong and hold fast to the truth of the Heavenly father that was revealed through Jesus Christ even in the face of challenges, attacks, hatred, persecutions, criticisms and sufferings. It is also expected of us to step up and to initiate to be a man of action. It is said that silence in the midst of sin is a sin, so a Christian man is expected to be courageous enough to stand for what is right. Speak the truth in love and fear God, not man. As Christians, we have also been called to be vigilant against pride, as God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Finally it is expected of us to serve the Lord. Matthew 6:33 says “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Mark 10:45 says “For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to the Bible personality Stephen. He has been an example for us of a courageous witness of godly character. If we will look at the life of Stephen from Acts 6&7, Stephen’s godly character was the foundation for his courageous witness. When we read that portion, we understand that Stephen was full of Holy Spirit, he was full of wisdom, he was full of faith, he was full of grace and he was full of power. He was relatable, he was available and willing, and he had good reputation with his peers. He was honest, reliable, faithful and friendly. He was an example and he believed God controlled history.

In the story of Stephen we see that when we are empowered by the Holy Spirit of God, we can confront and confound the worldly culture. Stephen’s character was an identifiable outward showing of the inward grace that Stephen had experienced in Christ. In Acts we find few things that Stephen was full of. Stephen was full to the brim and ready to overflow into others’ lives. Stephen’s cup was just at the point of overflowing. He was living the abundant life. I believe if God had given Stephen one more drop of the daily filling of the Holy Spirit he would have exploded! But what are we full of? The sad observation on most of us as Christians is that most of us can only be said to be full of ourselves or selfishness.

We as Christians need to live totally in control by faith- trusting God, totally confident in God’s control over our life, obeying God, and submitting to God’s leading. A man full of faith toward God, yielded to the Spirit’s control, will be gracious toward others and manifest great spiritual power.





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