Article: A Call to Commitment | Br. Sunil Zachariah ICPF, India
In Luke 9:57-62, we encounter three people who told Jesus they wanted to follow Him, and all received what seemed to be harsh replies from the Lord: “The Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head” (v.60), “Let the dead bury their own dead” (v.62),”No one put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God” (v.62). For each person, Jesus clearly stated the sacrifice and commitment required to become His disciple. There are many who are at first willing to follow Jesus, but later when they realize the pain – they quit. Once a dedicated and sensitive follower of Christ said that Christians need to be ready for radical commitment.The Lord calls us not only to leave the status quo, but also to take that calling seriously by following Him. Here Jesus teaches that following Him requires passion and perseverance. Those who have been called to be disciples must firstly do the work of the Kingdom of God. The work of the Kingdom of God is very urgent. Nothing else can come before it.
Friends, we all have a calling to follow Jesus. Following Jesus is a life call. So we must not let comforts, convenience or our choices distract us from our devotion to Jesus.
Sunil zachriah