Article: The Discipline of Abandoning Fear | Roshan Benzy George
“You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” (Matthew 8:26)
Along with abandoning all the evil and filth in our lives, we also have to abandon all the fears in our lives. Fear of falling away, fear of rejection and fear of ruin are some of the fears that are likely to obstruct a person’s faith in Christ. In the above verse, we see the disciples struggling with the fear of ruin. They feared that they would drown. Even though they were with Jesus, they feared that they would be ruined. Faith is what takes this fear away! True faith in Jesus Christ comes with nothing to fear. Their lack of faith makes them think that their situations are more than Jesus could handle or maybe Jesus wouldn’t help them because of the one little sin they did somewhere in their life. This situation blinds them from seeing the true nature of Jesus as the God Almighty. Still they took their step by calling out to Jesus, “Lord save us! We’re going to drown!” For that Jesus replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”
You believer who can’t see how Jesus cares for you, just understand that He loves you now also, just as he did on the cross. His love is unconditional, in whatever situations or wherever you may be. This is the love which makes us live a holy life by keeping His commands. And beware of stressing so much on your personal holiness because it will gradually increase the fear of rejection. If you excessively stress on your personal holiness, you’ll always be concerned how you look, how you walk, how you talk, but the good part is that when this excessive concern comes you can know it. Another clue is that this fear of rejection comes with disrupting prayer, giving us a thought that we are unworthy for God’s presence.
So while praying, abandon all thoughts, and pray with a full heart. Approval or rejection comes from the Sovereign God. Always ask Jesus, whether there is something to change in our lives. And don’t change anything by excessive thought before He reveals it.
Roshan Benzy George