Article: Guard your heart | Sheeba Robinson, Nagpur

The heart of a person belongs only to God, not to anybody else. We read in the Scripture, that “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Prov 4:23).

When we receive God’s love in our hearts, His love takes over our humanly love and it gets exchanged with the God’s Eternal Love. When we love anyone, like parents, husband, wife, children, friends, neighbors, etc.. with our own humanly love, then we could see and feel so much complications, misunderstandings, heartbreaks, arguments, discouragements, insecurities, disappointments, possessiveness, jealousy, fights and so on… So many relations are broken up because when all the above mentioned things are involved.

With our heart we can love only God, our Creator; as we read in the Bible, “Love the Lord, your God with all your heart,…” (Matt 12:30). And, when we guard our hearts and love everyone only with God’s Eternal Love, things will be changed automatically. God changes our perspective to see things differently as He sees them. We start to value, love, encourage, respect ourselves, others and everyone around us. We start to learn not to take things or anyone for granted and not to take unnecessary things seriously that normally affect us badly in our daily lives. We learn to forgive ourselves and others easily and move forward. When God changes our perspective towards something, we will never regret about that particular thing anymore..

When we’ve become the children of God, then we are allowed to love one another fervently with only God’s love, it covers over a multitude of our sins.. (1 Pet 4:8). When we live our lives loving, caring and helping everyone like this, then we can see and feel the same love Paul is talking about in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. Because only this is pleasing in God’s sight and brings Him glory through our lives..

This is the amazing Love, that God had showed us by sacrificing His one and only Son for us, the unconditional Love that Jesus showed while dying on the cross for us.. above all, giving us the most precious gift of the Holy Spirit, the Allos Parakletos, the Spirit of the Living God, to be with each one of us every moment of our lives, as our Wonderful Counselor, Teacher and Close Friend.

Dear ones, please do take heed of this, a life that is based on God’s principles will find it easy to love each other as Jesus loved and commanded us in John 15:12 & 17.

Sheeba Robinson, Nagpur



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