Article: Human MY versus God the MY | Praveen Mathew
MY is the most powerful and beautiful word which substantiate the essence of human existence and life.
Everything man does revolves around the word MY which reflects visibly or invincibly, knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or unintentionally in every steps of our life.
It is always:
My Life – My Family – My Job – My Wealth – My Car – My Friends – My Church – My Ministry – My Plans – My knowledge – My Wisdom – My decisions, to name a few MY’s .
We all are used to giving our best effort to achieve the perfect result in one or other thing of above in our daily lives.Also, at the same time while we push hard to achieve the very best in our MY life, we tend to challenge, overcome, suppress, become revengeful and show aggressiveness towards any circumstances that stand against our MY’s be it a person or situation.
In the present world and the challenges we are facing while the world order and system have changed upside down in the midst of this , human MY or Mine is totally irrelevant – the M of MY is gone for a toss in every aspect of life and it is Y alone now which can be summarized as Y =? , No Answers only questions.
But we as the redeemed children of GOD in Christ Jesus have an answer which is not in MY of flesh but the real MY in whom we surrender and submit.
Now keeping aside the human nature of dealing with MY, we must focus on the MY in a spiritual angle and when we start looking at Christ Jesus this word MY can be understood in a manner which brings the real MY who is Christ in whom the Hope of our Glory exist.
When Christ truly starts to dwell in us the human MY will slowly change to MY in Christ, the scriptural example is Miracle of fishing at the lake of Gennesaret i.e. Luke 5:1-8, were Peter the great fisherman with his MY Boat and MY net and MY experience totally failed and the real MY stepped in and commanded him to cast the net in the direction which has the provision kept ready.
It is not about a material blessing here but the beauty of this passage is when Peter after seeing the miracle in verse 8 – Depart from ME (MY – Mine etc.); for I am a sinful man, O Lord. Here Peter saw his unworthiness in the light of Grace and Righteousness of Jesus and he surrenders his MY and casted it out forever and followed Jesus.
While mentioning this passage , it is very clear going forward the influence of MY on and off appeared back within Peter and even at the end of gospel of John , where he pull out the nets and went back for fishing , but Jesus came to him and called him back once again . It is generally viewed that once Holy Spirit came upon Peter he was completely changed – YES – but again when we check Galatians 2:11-16 ,
Peter submitted and understood the error when Paul scolded him and once again surrendered without boasting who he is and what position he was because the word is True and the real MY is in Christ .
The real MY is Godhead and is revealed throughout the Holy Scriptures from Old Testament to New Testament –
Baptism of Jesus:
Son of GOD is revealed in MY – Matthew 3:16-17 – Verse 17:This is MY beloved Son in whom I am well pleased
The Transfiguration:
Holiness of Son of God or Glory of High priest is revealed in MY – Mark 9:1-7 – Verse 7: ‘This is MY beloved son, Listen to HIM.
The real MY is found in Christ our LORDwho is the MY and HE should be the MY in whom we should walk and as Apostle Paul mentions this in the most powerful verses – 2 Corinthians 12 : 8-10 – Verse 9 : MY Grace is sufficient for Thee: for MY strength is made perfect in weakness . (This MY must be our MY)
Dear children of GOD me and you are chosen and redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ who is our MY and he was tore apart as sinless lamb and we MUST surrender and submit our MY’s in the feet of the cross of Calvary – 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26
Verse 24:Take, eat: this is MY body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
Verse 25: This cup is the new covenant in MY blood: this do ye, as often as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.
Let us throw away our doubts and self and our MY and in repentance approach boldly unto the throne of Grace and as Thomas doubted, Jesus reached out and said to him to see and touch his hands and the next verse shows Thomas breaking down and throwing himself into submission and repentance – John 20:27 – MY LORD and MY GOD .
He who has begun a great work in us who are the redeemed will never leave us nor forsake us.
We are bought for a price unto eternity and everything will pass away but the word of GOD and his promises LIVE forever and ever.
Praveen Mathew