Article: ‘THE CHOSEN’ – The Eklektos | Sharon Rosi Jude

Am I chosen? Does God have a purpose in my life??
As children of God, living in such unprecedented times, I believe such questions do cross our minds. We often tend to question God when we face crisis or obstacles in our lives, following which we lose our confidence in Him and go astray from the purpose for which we have been called for. For me personally, I have had several such occasions of almost like what turned out to be a question and answer session with God, which kept me wondering about Gods plans for me and if there is any clause associated with it.

Its quiet easy on our side and for others to start comparing ourselves with others. We tend to forget that the creator is the same for you and me. He has created us uniquely with a specific plan and purpose. The Bible clearly tells us and reminds us of being chosen by God. John 15:16 says, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruits…”. It is very clearly stated here that we are chosen by God, and elected with a purpose. The Greek word for chosen is Eklektos, and it predominantly means choice, and that too of the finest quality. We see the ‘Heroes of Faith’ in the Bible, who were in action and were too chosen by God. None of them had high qualifications or status to be called ‘the chosen’, but they were the least among them whom God chose for a greater task and calling to be fulfilled.

In the Old Testament Abraham- Father of Faith, he was chosen by God and was asked to leave everything behind and follow Him so that he could enter into the promise land and be called the Father of many Nations. Noah- was chosen by God among the ungodly men who were left on the earth, to build an ark so that he and his family could be saved from the flood and be given the rainbow as a symbol of promise. Elijah the prophet, was too chosen by God to go the widow of Zarephath that she and her son might live. Moses- another mighty warrior who was chosen by God to go to Egypt and set the Israelites free from the captivity. Like them many other men and women ( Joseph, Esther, Ruth, Daniel, Job, Nehemiah) of God were chosen for a specific purpose to be fulfilled through their lives.

If we see in the New Testament, Jesus chose the 12 disciples, each one by name to fulfil His glory on this earth. Jesus himself was chosen by God, the Father. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Beloved son that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have an eternal life”- John 3:16. Jesus was chosen for a purpose that no man on this earth could ever replace it, ‘unfailing love, amazing grace’. He came to die for whole of the sins of the mankind.

Having being chosen is not enough. It is to be followed with ‘obedience’. If it was not for obedience, Abraham would have never entered into the promise land, Moses would have never delivered the Israelites from the hands of Pharaoh. Peter, James and John obeyed and followed Jesus and they were called to be ‘fishers of men’. Many others such as Jonah, Paul, Timothy, Stephen obeyed the calling of God and were chosen for the fulfilment of a special purpose. Being chosen and obedience goes hand in hand, and this fulfils the purpose of what God has set aside for us.

It is easy to complain and argue with God of the different situations that we face in our lives, especially during this unknown season of fear- COVID 19: a feeling of uncertainty, fear of the unknown that has engulfed the entire world. But even during these times of crisis how many of us believe that we are ‘the chosen’ and that God has kept something special aside for us. Are we ready to obey His word or just throw in the towel and keep crying over the situations that we face and be depressed and just end our lives? Certainly NOT!! That’s not meant to be, and that’s not our calling for what we are chosen for. We have to wait and have faith in His timings for His delays do not mean denials.
Trust, obey and follow Him as you are called to be “THE CHOSEN”.

Sharon Rosi Jude



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