English Article: Faith It Till You Make It

Sandra Ann Mathew

“Faith isn’t a feeling. It’s a choice to trust God even when the road ahead seems uncertain.”
– Dave Willis
The boldest thing a Christian can do is to choose God’s will over theirs. Choosing to stay stronger isn’t fake, it’s called Faith. It is defined as having confidence or trusting someone completely(Hebrew 11:1). When you faith it ,till you make it; you are no longer called as an imposter. Faith is a state of not knowing what the future holds but knowing who holds it. Keeping the faith simply requires trusting in God, not knowing the consequences and the outcome it brings. We in flesh , since the free will of choosing and decision making is given to us, tend to do things in our own ways. Surrendering ourselves and our desires unto God has become a difficult task for us now because  we believe that our potential is much greater than the will of God. We neglect the right way of having faith in God even when we know that God’s way is perfect and he knows what is best for us. We infact pretend to prove others of the things we aren’t capable of doing. Faking has become the motto for the people to achieve their goals. 
Yes, it’s indeed hard for us to stay faithful in this corrupted and sinful world especially when we loose our hope in different situations. Meanwhile it’s very easy to quit and give up without trying on it but fighting back and to stay stronger in the ground of faith requires God’s grace and deeper understanding of the word of God. Anything worth having in our life requires a fight. Infact our hardest times often leads to the greatest moments of our life. If we keep faithing it, it will all be worth it in the end. Always let our faith be bigger than our fears that we face. 
The principles in the word of God help us and remind us the ability to grasp this concept of faithing it. Abraham, the father of Nations, is also titled as father of faith through his strong faith in God even when it seemed impossible in the sight of men. He took every step of his life and walked in the will of God purely because of his faith. It’s said that Faith is like taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase. All you got to do is to take a step forward for God in faith and He will meet you up there. Everybody that was ever used mightly by God so far, had to learn to faith their way through some things; just like David faithed his way through giant , bear and lion and so on… Worry ends up when faith in God begins because it make all things possible and real. 
Our faith can move the mighty mountains and our doubts can create them back too…Choice is given to us either to remove or create hardships in our life. At the end of the day, if you stay faithful to God and to the men of the earth, as mentioned in  Philippians 3:14,You will be marked for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us encourage one another to run and complete our race faithfully so that on the judgement day we will have our rewards. Let’s keep faithing it until we make it. 
~ where there is hope, there is faith, where there is faith, MIRACLES happen ~



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