Browsing Category
Article: Are you growing in the Lord? If not…why not? | Jacob Varghese
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever!…
Article: Consider JESUS: Press on, do not turn back! | Jacob Varghese
“Endurance is otherwise called passive perseverance. It is the power to stand firm and bear the heavy weight of…
Article: Learn to wait on the Lord, just a little longer | Jacob Varghese
Have you ever waited for stuff like waiting at the doctor’s clinic, in the line for groceries, waiting on a queue…
Article: Little Is Much For Christ! | Jacob Varghese
Anyone who has been exposed to the Christian faith will know the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. But just…
Article: Be Fruitful | Shibu Abraham, Dubai
You will Live and be fruitful. Instead of focusing on the source and reasons of Corona and the updates of death we…
Article: Trusting God In The Storms Of Life | Jacob Varghese
Have you ever felt like shouting, “God, where are you when I needed you the most?” Sometimes God seems too far away…
Article: God Wants You to Replace Your Worries with Trust | Jacob Varghese
Have you ever been losing your sleep? Tossing and turning on your bed! What keeps you awake at night? Are you…
Article: Desiring to be a Disciple of Jesus? | Jacob Varghese
Praise the Lord! Let me begin with a question. Who is a disciple of Jesus? Are all Christians called to be…
Article: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near | Jacob Varghese
Have you ever heard someone telling “my life is a hell” or “I hate my life”? I have heard it a number of times from…
Article: Remembering the Feast of Pentecost & A pray for a fresh outpouring…
May 31st Sunday – Is remembered and celebrated as the week of Pentecost – 2000 years before the disciples obeying…
Article: God’s People Are Called to Love the Unlovable | Jacob Varghese
I would like to take your attention the book of Hosea. We don’t know much about Hosea, except that he was a prophet…
Article: The Road to Emmaus is a Road to Recognition! | Jacob Varghese
In Luke chapter 24 verses 13-35 we see an incident. Nearly two thousand years ago, two discouraged people were…
Article: The Land of Far Distances- The Land of the Majestic King | Jacob Varghese
A message based on Isaiah 33:17-22
Turn with me to Isaiah 33:17-22 for this meditation. Let me start by asking a…
I went out for an unusual stroll on the beach this evening; the air had a mossy scent and the sun shone copper red…
Article: Beware of Intruders and Stand firm for the FAITH | Jacob Varghese
The epistle of Jude is a short but fascinating book in the New Testament. There are only 25 verses but there are…