Called for More: Faithful in the Little | Christeena Gladson
Before you were even conceived, God knew you. He saw your existence before time began, and He designed a purpose specifically for you. “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart” (Jeremiah 1:5). Your life is not a mistake. You are not insignificant in His eyes. No matter what the world says, no matter how others perceive you, the One who created the heavens, and the earth calls you His own. And if God Himself declares your worth, who can diminish it?
The Calling of Moses: A Story of Purpose Moses’ journey reveals how God uses even the weakest vessels for His divine purposes. Born into slavery yet raised in Pharaoh’s palace, Moses had every reason to believe he was destined for greatness. But after a single act of anger killing an Egyptian in defence of his people he fled into the wilderness, becoming a lowly shepherd.
For forty years, Moses lived in the wilderness. He likely thought his days of purpose were over. He was no longer a prince, no longer a leader, no longer someone of significance. But God saw more. When the time was right, He appeared to Moses in a burning bush and called him into his divine assignment to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
Moses doubted. He questioned his worth, his abilities, and even God’s choice in calling him. “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:11). He felt inadequate, but God didn’t choose Moses for his strength. He chose him because of His own strength. God does not look at what we lack; He looks at what He can do through us.
When Moses hesitated, God asked him a simple but profound question: “What is that in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2). It was just a shepherd’s staff—something ordinary, something insignificant. But when surrendered to God, that same staff parted the Red Sea, turned water into blood, and performed mighty wonders in Egypt.
What is in your hand today? Maybe it’s a talent, a skill, a voice, or a gift that seems small. But if you surrender it to God, He will use it for His glory.
God Sees More in You
Like Moses, many of us feel unworthy of our calling. The world gives us countless reasons to doubt ourselves. Society may tell you that you’re not talented enough, not smart enough, not strong enough. But God sees more. He does not measure your worth by worldly standards. He sees your heart, your faithfulness, and your potential.
David was just a shepherd boy before he became a king. Joseph was a prisoner before he ruled Egypt. Esther was an orphan before she saved a nation. Every great move of God starts in the hidden places, in the moments when no one else is watching. God is moulding you, refining you, and preparing you—just as a potter moulds the clay.
But moulding is not always easy. The process comes with trials and tribulations. Moses had to stand before Pharaoh multiple times, endure rejection, and lead a stubborn nation through the wilderness. David had to run for his life before he could sit on the throne. Joseph had to be falsely accused and imprisoned before stepping into his purpose. Your trials are not meant to break you; they are meant to shape you.
Faithful in the Little
Jesus said, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much” (Luke 16:10). God watches how we handle the small things before entrusting us with greater things. Are you faithful in the little? Are you using your gifts for His glory, even when no one else is watching?
The world may overlook you, but God sees you. You were called for more. You were created for a divine purpose. He placed gifts and talents inside of you that are meant to be used. The enemy wants to keep you silent, to make you believe that you are insignificant, but God calls you His child.
“You are mine,” declares the Lord (Isaiah 43:1). If the Creator of the universe stands for you, whom are you waiting for? Why seek approval from the world when God has already approved you?
Will You Answer the Call?
Moses had a choice when God called him. He could have stayed in the wilderness, living in fear and doubt, or he could step forward in faith. He chose to trust God.
Today, God is calling you. He has placed something in your hand, something that He wants to use for His kingdom. The world may try to put you down, but the Lord declares that you are chosen, set apart, and filled with divine purpose.
So the question is—are you ready to embrace your calling? Are you willing to use your God-given talent for His glory?
The world may try to silence you, but God is calling you to rise.
Will you answer?

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