AUPC Team in Canberra invites you to join Street Evangelism on Saturday, December 21, 2024

AUPC Team in Canberra conducting street evangelism works on 21 December 2024, from 4:00 PM at Garema Place, Canberra Centre. It is a call to fulfill the Great Commission, offering both a responsibility and an opportunity to bring light to those in need. Rooted in the mission to share the Gospel with the world, the AUPC outreach is spreading across Australia. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” This verse reminds us of the call for all believers to share the message of Christ’s love, hope, and salvation with every corner of the earth.
AUPC Canberra team, with hearts full of faith, is committed to making this vision a reality by engaging with the local community through this outreach. The event provides an excellent opportunity to connect with others, share personal testimonies, and reflect the love of Christ through conversations and prayers. Together, let us exalt His name and answer His call to make disciples of all nations.




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