Article: Reason for the Season | Aby Memana
It’s that time of year again when trends, desires and celebrations follow usual practices of making merry and finding cheer that lasts just for a moment. Bustling streets can be seen lit up with dazzling lights and enchanting decorations. Santa and the reindeers become center of attention. Red hats and peppermint sticks have driven the world into a mode of temporary joy. Day by day this generation is falling into sin, running away from the grace of God, unsure of their eternity, wasting health and wealth on things that are perishing, not knowing that one day all will stand before the judgment throne.
The message of Christ being born into this world is to save lives. His life and death is a mere example of what is known as ‘LOVE’. He dined with the sinners, walked with the rejected, sat with the outcast, healed the sick, embraced the needy and finally He was crucified with thieves. The road to Calvary wasn’t an easy go, they spat on Him, pulled His hair, He was beaten, mocked, tortured, shamed publicly and rejected, yet He opened not His mouth.
Being reminded of the verse; “But because of our sins He was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by the punishment He suffered, made whole by the blows He received.” Isaiah 53:5 (GNT). This is the good news that needs to be proclaimed. This is the gospel that needs to be preached. The world needs to know that there is a Saviour who loves them more than anyone could offer. The world needs to know; no hats or props can replace the cores of nails pierced through His skull.
Let churches awake, let youngsters take their place, let this generation trigger the flame. Let us go into the streets witnessing Christ, let us take up the mantle that has been entrusted us with and lift it high for the world to see. Let Christ be celebrated this season, for He is the reason!
Aby Memana