Article: Dad – The Mystic Hero | Prakash Mathew, India
“And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me”, says the Lord Almighty (2 Corinthians. 6:18)
Father’s image always evokes reverence, love, and intimacy. Like Heavenly Father, our earthly fathers also embody parental care. However, it is interesting to note that Father’s Day was not readily accepted when it was proposed in the United States. It was not a national holiday until 1972 during President Richard Nixon’s administration. Men dominated American society in the early 20th century. A day that recognises the role and importance of fathers in the family was an ancient tradition. It has been almost 50 years since President Richard Nixon’s administration declared the third Sunday in June as a day to recognise and honour the role of fathers in society.
It was in 1914, that President Woodrow Wilson called Mother’s Day a way to recognise that tender, gentle army-the mothers of America. Apart from sentimental attempts to recognise the role of Father or Mother, there may also be a hidden agenda of commercial gimmicks to sell more products which are often paid for by the Father himself! In traditionally Catholic countries such as Spain and Portugal, Father’s Day is celebrated on March 19.
Whether there should be a separate Day to recognise the role of Father and Mother is a different question! An anonymous but viral quote mention, “A Dad is someone who holds you when you break the rules, shines with pride when you succeed, and has faith in you even when you fail.” Every Father should remember that one day, his son will follow his example, instead of his advice! It was Jackson Browne who observed and said, “Life doesn’t come with an instruction book- that’s why we have fathers!”
In Psalms 103:3, we read “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.” We may not be able to fathom the depth of our heavenly father’s love. Earthly fathers also are expected to be good role models in compassion, commitment, humility, and honesty! It is not the mere observance of some special days that matters but imbibing the spirit and message of it that matters. Antonie Francois Prevost once said, “The heart of a Father is the masterpiece of nature” Father’s talk is generally brief and matter-of-fact. Isn’t “Brevity is the soul of wit” as phrased by William Shakespeare the truth?