Article: Letting Anger Go And Shower Love and Compassion | G S Deepti
I have heard of a story about a snake and a saw. Once a snake found its way inside a home .As the snake slithered around it clipped itself on a hand saw that was lying on the ground. Thinking the saw was a threat the snake instantly snapped around and bit the saw. This caused much more damage with the snake cutting inside its mouth. Not understanding what was happening and thinking the saw was an enemy …the snake wrapped its whole body around the saw attempting to suffocate it . Of course the snake didn’t do any damage to the saw instead ended up being killed by the sharp blade of the saw. The snake was killed by its own anger and by its own reaction.
If someone does us wrong, rather than reacting angrily maybe we should try to understand the person first and where is he coming from, in what situations he is living. Try to show some compassion , maybe they are having bad days. When we look at things from a new perspective it’s much easier to move on . Holding on to anger does nothing good for our future. We must let our anger go. We must move on before the anger consumes us and ruins us like the snake. Don’t react instead show compassion.
As written in the Holy Bible –Psalms 37:8-Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath.Fret not yourself, it tends only to evil. Even our Lord are merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness(Psalms 86:15)
As we understand by the Ephesians 4:26,27 that getting angry is a sin and we are inviting devil through our getting short tempered .
Bible teaches us to love one another and forgive a person not seven but seventy times. Our Lord Jesus was crucified in midst of two criminals in fact of him being innocent. But he did not even show anger at any point. That’s the depth of compassion, patience and love he had for his enemies as well. We should also make Lord Jesus as our Role Model.
Love your enemies, love your neighbor as yourself.
-G S Deepti