Article: Lock Down is just a Launching pad for His Chosen People | Dr. Deepa Nebu
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
The corona virus COVID – 19 has affected 212 countries and territories around the world. COVID – 19 continues to spread globally. COVID – 19 has spread around the planet, sending billons of people into LOCKDOWN as health services struggled to cope up with. We are God’s own people so we should not be terrified as Our Christ is Over Viruses and Infectious Diseases. God has separated this time for enabling us to hide in Him until the indignation runs its course.
As Christians, if we remain silent at this time, the relief and deliverance will arise for the God’s creation from another place but we will be perished. For such a time God has chosen us in this generation. So let’s assemble our family together and kneel down before Jesus for restoration and healing of our land. We the children of God who are called by His name has to humble ourselves, pray and seek God’s face and turn from our wicked ways, He will forgive our sin and heal our land. God will surely hear our prayer and heal our land.
Every man that stood for Christ has gone through a time of Lockdown like a pupa. The energy acquired during the time of Lockdown enables them to shine brighter than the earlier days. Pupa is the stage of development between larva and butterfly. This stage has a protective covering and does not move. Here the internal changes occur – preparation for flight and to be attractive. As a butterfly comes out of pupa stage we too will come prepared for our next flight and to be colorful for the Kingdom of God after this protective coverage of Lockdown. This is the time of our endurance, change, hope and life.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time and he walked with God and he found favor in the eyes of the Lord. God had a purpose for Noah so he was in Lockdown for nearly about 370 days. The power what he earned during his time of loneliness empowered him to accomplish what God wanted Adam to complete. But unfortunately Adam sinned against and couldn’t complete the race what God prepared for him. God blessed Noah and his sons to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth. God wants us to be blameless in this generation, righteous in all our deeds, to find favour in the eyes of the Lord and walk with Lord always. He wants to bless us and our family to fulfill what others couldn’t accomplish. Let the energy what we accomplished in the Lockdown propels us to conquer greater heights.
At times of our trouble we used to lodge away from our Saviour. If God has chosen us he will never leave us to be lodged somewhere and to get anxious about our problems. The Lord appeared to Elijah when he was undergoing the same situation and asked him what he was doing in the cave. Elijah was very zealous for the Lord. God strengthened him by his words and comfort and told him his journey is too great for him. And Elijah did mighty works than before after acquiring the power from Almighty. The journey for us is also great. This lock down is a time of just filling up the fuel for the next flight.
The Lockdown has benefited us in many ways; to listen to God’s word and to reflect ourselves. The most important and foremost thing is that this period empowered us to know the purpose of our Life and nurture ourselves in a deep relationship with God Almighty. The signs and symptoms tell us that our Saviour is at our doorstep. Let us prepare ourselves to be the best stewards as each second is much valid.
This change and progress within this system will be characterized by positive attitude, full of energy and new ideas. These changes will be experienced by all of us in the days to come. Let our souls long for Christ, let us diligently seek him, learn to be righteousness and have that zeal for the inhabitants of the world. God will keep us in perfect peace. Trust in God the Lord forever, he is everlasting rock. He makes our ways smooth.
The startup launching pad is ready. The energy what we consumed during these days of Lockdown will qualify us to propel in the opposite direction of the world. We will blast into the space at incredible speeds putting ourselves in the correct orbit. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Dr. Deepa Nebu